Thursday, May 1, 2014

New House!

So, the main reason we have been so busy - we bought a house in March!  We were at the holiday party at Riley's school, and talking to the other parents, and we realized, that registration for Kindergarten was in January!  We had planned on buying a house this summer, but as North Carolina elementary schools can either have a traditional calendar or track calendar, we needed to decide quickly where we wanted to live.  Track calendar means they have school for 9 weeks, then take 3 weeks off, so no "summer break", they have more little breaks.  So, we mapped out schools, and housing, and started driving around (and around and around). We ended up with this: a 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath house, around back is the garage (which is in the basement!!!)  Being able to buy a house with a basement was the icing on the cake for this house (as that is an oddity here).  The house sits on right at 1/2 acre of land, fenced, with lots (LOTS) of trees.  We finally moved into the house in April.


Goobs said...

Wow, that's awesome guys!!! Looks beautiful! So, I guess that seals the deal that you're staying there?!

Unknown said...

It looks like you got a great deal! I totally understand the schooling dilemma , as you'd have to take that into account, as well as good school districts and such. You must've been thrilled on finally closing in on this one, as that basement is just begging to be converted into a great room! Congratulations on your new house!

Kristy Sanders @ Creb Now