Saturday, October 12, 2013

Summer 2013

I would love to say that we have just been so busy that I haven't had time to post. That would be untrue.

This summer has mostly been work and school, with weekends that seem way too short.  Here are the highlights.

Riley and I planted strawberries on the porch.  I think the most we got in one picking was 8. Usually it was 1-3.
Here is Riley with our largest harvest.  He ate them all. 

We went bowling one afternoon.  Apparently I need to bowl with the bumpers all of the time, it was my highest score.

We went to the arboretum one afternoon.  Later, Riley got up close and personal with some goldfish in another pond, after he fell in.  

Riley and Brian went to a car show one afternoon, it was kind of rain-y, so it wasn't too busy, but they had a great time looking at all of the cars / trucks. 

1 comment:

Kristen W said...

I have garden envy now.
Kristen W